SFN factory

Who is Slowfeednets.com

A Family-own Bussiness in China, Shandong

10+ years of expertise in hay net. Slowfeednets.com will help your feeding horse more scientific and more healthy.
Since 2010, Our provides exceptional Traditional International Trade Service from start to finish.
Supply to major brands in North America and Europe, including Wal-Mart, Amazon and other online and offline stores .
Today, due to the effect of COVID-19 that had forced us to start an business online. We may be “noob” at online-marketing. But for making horse net, we are serious “Pro”.

SFN about us horses

We care

As a socially conscious company Slowfeednets.com cares about The Przewalski’s wild horses, the only wild horses remaining in the world.
Located in the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang, China and the arid desert steppe zone of the Mongolian People’s Republic.
Inhabiting the desert Gobi, lack of food, insufficient water, and low temperature and snowstorms, living conditions are extremely difficult, and human hunting and destruction of its habitat has accelerated the process of its extinction in 19th century.
Fortunately, China established a nature reserve and began to release wild horses In 21th century.
We proudly sponsor a donations program to help horses in need. There is nothing more rewarding than helping a horse in need of feed, vet care, and a safe place to call home.